
5 Comfortable Ways I Quickly Unwind myself

Hola, todos! Don’t bother, I’m just practicing my Spanish. Anyway, today I got all dressed up for a photoshoot and it got canceled. Why? I mean, why? So, I was annoyed but still stubborn enough to make this day productive and prepared this article for you. This makes it a somewhat productive day, I guess. Anyhoo, the point is I’m going to tell you how I quickly unwind myself during a hectic day and see if this is anything to your interest.

How I quickly unwind

These are the topmost effective ways for me to de-stress and no one has ever said they weren’t for them. So, I guess, these might be helpful for you too.

Let’s see!

1. Out in the open area

I so, so enjoy my evening walks. Stressed or not, I go for a walk almost every day. I go out into the open area where I can see the sky, greenery around and feel the breeze. Out of all, watching the sky turn pink with sunset and seeing the stars appear slowly is so mesmerizing. It is very refreshing and relaxes me instantly. I stroll to my heart’s content before I get back to work. This is my number 1 stress buster and mind freshener.

2. Call a friend

Next thing I do to quickly unwind myself is calling a friend. Sometimes I call a close friend and sometimes I call an old friend of mine. One feels different from the other but both are surely stimulating. You get to smile, laugh, share, and go down the memory lane.

3. Old classics

Other times, I watch a good old classic movie with my family. Sometimes, I feel the time is moving so fast that I need to consciously make an effort to slow down a bit and breathe. So then, I put on an old classic movie and enjoy. All four of us in our family like old Telugu movies, so this works as family time as well. What better way than having family time to unwind.

4. Good food

I may not look like it but I enjoy good food just as much as anyone. I might even call myself a foodie. Strangely, people who know me don’t know this, or maybe they know but don’t believe it. I wonder why. Anyway, so when I’m in a bad mood, I order Biryani and butter chicken, most of the times. That’s my favorite combo. And when I’m full, I automatically feel better. Don’t we all?!

5. Read a bit

And lastly, I read. I’m not a big book person years ago, but now, I enjoy it as much as anything. I grab a book immediately whenever I feel a bit down, possibly with a cup of hot coffee by my side. The last book I read is ‘A curse so dark and lonely,’ and my current read being, ‘Alice in wonderland.’ I’ve watched the movie (not a fan) but I wanted to read the book as well and see if it’s better than the movie version.

Recommendation: 3 books that kept me hooked until the last page

If you are interested in the books I read, I’ll be sure to post about it regularly on the blog too. Until then, you can find my reads on Instagram.

That’s all.

The 5 things I do to quickly unwind myself. Super effective. Trust me. Tell me how YOU de-stress yourself in the comment below, I’d love to know and share it with the other readers. I hope you enjoyed your time here and I’ll see you super soon again.

Lots of LOVE,


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