Lifestyle, Motivation

7 Qualities You Should Seek In Everyone Including Yourself

What makes a person stand out from everyone? Good looks or admiring personality? Well, good looks might impress instantly but that’s temporary whereas a kind heart will give an ever-lasting admiration. You do agree with this, don’t you? When meeting a new person, we all go through some thought process and start making assumptions. Some of… Read More 7 Qualities You Should Seek In Everyone Including Yourself


Obesity and things one should know about obesity

Obesity, one of the most common nutritional disorder. Obesity means deposition of excess fat in our body. Usually, fat is deposited in and around abdomen, waist, thighs, and buttocks. Generally, we measure obesity in terms of weight. If someone is above normal standard weight, we often consider them as obese but it’s not true always.… Read More Obesity and things one should know about obesity


Basic Health Education people everywhere should be aware of

The 3 most essential things for an individual’s well-being are physical health, quality food, and mental health. If one is physically fit, automatically, their mental health will also improve. Physical health will have a major influence on your mental health. These days due to the pace of our personal and work life one needs to… Read More Basic Health Education people everywhere should be aware of