Yay! Happy new year, people! A super duper happy new year. Hopefully, this year turns out pretty amazing to you, me, and everyone. I can’t believe how super fast 2019 went by and how we are already in 2020. Is it just me or you also feel the same way?? It’s exciting, and a bit anxious at the same time. 2019 has been a mixture of both blessings and learnings, just as any year and I’m super grateful for everything. So, let’s put all the bitter experiences of the yesteryear behind us and move ahead with hope and laughter.
I know, many of us feel hopeless and apathetic right now saying what difference would it make and it’s just like any other year. But I would beg to differ. Please don’t be so. It may be just another year but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be enthusiastic and joyful about it. Life is very short, see how fast 2019 flew. So, it is just another year and it is all the more reason to be excited and happy. Why leave a perfectly good reason to be happy and force ourselves to be detached?! I may not know much but one thing I’m certain of is we should take every chance we get to be happy, smiling, enthusiastic, and liberated.
Even until yesterday, I had the very same thought, but quite unexpectedly I welcomed 2020 with a different thought, a different feeling. I had no idea how and what made this revelation, but I’m glad I started off the new year this way. Now that I think about it, I probably had this revelation while writing this for you, so in a way, you helped me. *Thank you* If I wanted to start 2020 with gratitude, you all would be on my list of people to thank. You all made me better.
And one more thing I realized is that if we are determined enough we can have a good and positive mood nonetheless. Since morning I had plenty of reasons that might have usually spoiled my mood but I strongly decided to start off this year with a positive mindset. And, it seems to be working. I have successfully pushed away a few disturbances, thank god. *Now that I have said it out loud, it’s jinxed and I have to be super careful to continue the happy mood. Fingers crossed.*
So, yeah, what I’m saying is try enough to have a calm mood, and it’s definitely possible to achieve. We all want to have a perfect mood on the first day of the new year and that thought itself puts extra weight on our minds that even a tiny mishap wrecks our mood. So take a chill pill and enjoy yourself.
That’s how I began my new year. Once again, I wish you all a very, very happy new year from the bottom of my heart and I also wish for your wellness and success. I’m rooting for you!

Last but not least… Ta-da!! This is my new year OOTD. What do you think? Let me know in the comments. I’ll see you soon again. Until then keep loving!
Lots of LOVE,

May your every morning be filled with joy & happiness. Wish you a very Happy New Year! 🙂
Thank you. I wish you the same, Kishore! 🙂