6 Sitting Postures For Pranayama [Ft. My Dad]

yoga sitting posturesyoga sitting postures

Hello, everyone. Today is international yoga day and also Father’s Day. So we have two things to celebrate. I was wondering how I should plan this day and that’s when I thought to make a special feature on my channel for this Yoga day. Today, my dad is gonna take over my channel. Isn’t that great!

My dad’s been doing Yoga for over forty-five years now so I can’t find a better person to talk about Yoga. He’s a pulmonologist as well. I’ve seen him lead a systematic lifestyle since I can remember and if I ask him he will give all the credit to starting the day early and right with YOGA. He showed us Yoga is not an exercise but a way of life.

So anyway, this is my dad, Prasad, and let’s see what he has to say.

yoga sitting posturesyoga sitting postures

In our daily life, in order to keep our body fit and healthy, we will do many types of exercises like walking, jogging, aerobics, weight training, Yoga, etc,. Out of everything, Yoga is different. In other exercises, we contract our muscles but in Yoga, we will stretch our muscles. So when we do other exercises we feel exhausted and tired after the session but with Yoga, we will feel energized and relaxed. Yoga is not just for physical health but also for mental wellness.

If we can effectively combine both the worlds, we can get the maximum health benefits.

Now we are going to talk about Pranayama and the various sitting postures we can try while doing Pranayama.

Pranayama is the fourth limb of Ashtanga Yoga. Generally, Ashtanga Yoga has eight limbs that consist of:

  • Yama
  • Niyama
  • Asana
  • Pranayama
  • Pratyahara
  • Dharana
  • Dhyana
  • Samadhi

Today we will concentrate on the fourth limb of Ashtanga yoga, which is pranayama. Prana means breath, and Ayama means extension or prolongation. That means prolongation of breath. Normally, our breathing will be shallow which allows us to intake 350 to 500 ml of air with each breath. But in case of Pranayama, we take deep breaths which lets us intake 5 liters of air with each breath.

Such is the difference.

Anyway, our topic today is Pranayama and the sitting postures. So let’s see one by one.

1. Padmasana

It is also called as Kamalasana (the lotus pose). It is the best asana for practicing pranayama and meditation.

How to do?

Sit on the ground first. Then your right foot goes on your left thigh and your left foot on to your right thigh. Keep your spine straight. Your neck and spine should be aligned. Look straight. Place your wrists on your knees.

While doing Pranayama, your left hand should be in Gnana mudra or chin mudra and the right hand should be in Vishnu mudra. This picture will explain to you how.

2. Sukhasana

The second sitting posture is Sukhasana, also called Samasana. We should sit cross-legged to do this. This is very basic asana every Indian does on an everyday basis.

Here’s how.

3. Siddhasana

Some say that Siddasana is even better than Padmasana to meditate. It was practiced by many sages (Siddhas), hence the name Siddhasana.


Pull your ankles closer and place one ankle on the other as shown in the picture. Sit straight and you are good to start the Pranayama.

4. Vajrasana or Veerasana

Sit upright on the heels and place your wrists on top of your knees. This is Vajrasana.

5. Ardha padmasana

For some, it might be a bit difficult to pull off Padmasana so they can go with Ardha padmasana. This is simpler yet just as beneficial.

This is how you should do it.

Place any one foot on the other thigh. That’s it. You are good to go.

6. Swastikasana

Many might get confused between Swastikasana and Padmasana as both look a bit similar. But they are not. There is a tiny bit of difference between both of these asanas.

To do Swastikasana, one must place their left foot between the right thigh and calf muscles and vice-versa. That is the difference. We place the foot on the thigh in Padmasana but here we place it between the thigh and calf muscles.

This is a very comfortable position for meditation and Pranayama.

And finally, for people who cannot sit on the ground may be due to knee pains or any kind of discomfort, they can find a comfortable sitting position in a chair and do Pranayama. But do not slouch. It’s important to keep your spine straight while doing Yoga.

So these are the various sitting postures you can try while doing Pranayama. And remember we talked about a couple of mudras before. Let’s have a closer look at them now.

This is Gnana Mudra.

And this is Vishnu Mudra.

When your hands are placed on your knees, both your hands should be in Gnana mudra and when doing Pranayama, your right hand should be changed into Vishnu mudra.

For better understanding, you can watch this video. We explained one of the kinds pf Pranayama in this. Anuloma Viloma/Nadi Suddhi Pranayama. So, go for it.

This is it for today, I hope you liked this Father’s day special feature. I wish my dad and all the fathers out there a very happy Father’s day. We are nothing without you. Thank you for everything!

I’ll see you soon again. Comment down below if you have anything to say, I’d love to hear from you. Thanks for your time.

Until next time,

Lots of LOVE,



Nikki: Hello, my name is Nikhila Chalamalasetty. I'm a tax major turned lifestyle blogger. Fashion-lover. Motivator. Influencer. Content creator.
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