
7 Ways to Spend a Rainy Day at Home

It’s a nice, sunny Friday morning. The cold sneaks up on me once in a while but the sun is shining brightly today. So is my mood and that’s what matters. (I definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed but somehow, I turned it around.)

The weather yesterday was a completely different picture. It was raining all day. But it was a happy kinda rain, not the dreich one we all hate. Everything danced under the pittering-pattering raindrops; the white pigeon, the plants in our balcony, and the kid from downstairs. See, a happy rain.

I think only rain can carry two different emotions. Sunny weather can only picture a warm, happy feeling. And a cold winter day can only play a dull, gloomy mood. But, on the contrary, a rainy day can mean anything. It can be happy, it can be glum. You have an option to choose from. Haha.

I, personally, like rainy days. I always feel great on a rainy day. I don’t just snuggle on the couch flipping through TV channels. In fact, I get a lot of things done. It’s as if the rain and I have matched the same energy.

Don’t believe me?

Then you should see my list of things to do on a rainy day.

rainy day

7 Fun Things to do on a Rainy Day at Home

1. A warm cup of coffee/a meal

What’s your favourite hot beverage? Although I’m not a regular coffee drinker, I love it on a drizzly day. I like to have it sweet.

I also love having warm rice meals that clear away the gloominess of the weather. It feels pretty great.

2. Cosy up with a good book/a movie

My favourite way to read a book is by snuggling under my favourite comforter and reading on for hours. It feels so good.

And there’s Netflix. We can order a pizza and binge-watch a show. I suggest you try my Netflix recommendations. I enjoyed these shows a lot.

3. Sit by your window and write

I’m a writer so writing must be on the list, of course. A rainy day stirs up a lot of feelings and what better way than to give those feelings a form.

4. Get up and exercise

Image working out with a beautiful view out your window. Isn’t that awesome?

5. Clean your desk and work

Every day is a fresh beginning and rain or shine, we gotta do what we gotta do. And for me, it is not an obligation to work on a rainy day. I truly enjoy it. Especially that my work is to write. The weather is nice, my mind’s fresh, so I can get a lot of stuff done.

6. Call up a friend

Chatting up with a friend seems extra nice on a rainy day. Reminiscing memories, gossiping and giggling.

7. Have a family Game-time

Game-time is super fun with family and that too on a rainy day. We play, we laugh, and we cherish. That is why you must try this.

rainy day

Have I missed anything on this list?

Leave a comment and let me know.

I’ll see you soon again.


Much love,


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