
7 Types of Writers: Which one are you?

We all know at least one writer in our lives. One that we run to for writing our letters and stuff. They are only one of the many types of writers we have in this world. If you are a writer yourself, I’m curious to know which of the 7 types of writers, I’m about to share, do you belong to.

Writers are having their heyday this time. Of course, there are also many struggling writers as well but with the opportunities we have today, writers’ career is definitely seeing the best of days.

Now with the rise of writing as a potential career, we are able to see different kinds of writers. From the top of my head, I can think of seven.

Let’s see who they are.

7  Types of Writers

1. Idea Hoarder

The one who keep on writing down ideas but never works on them. Their every journal is teeming with ideas and they tell themselves to work on it later. But the time never really comes. While most of their time is spent collecting ideas, they don’t go ahead. Either because of lack of motivation or unaware of how.

I think every writer has an angle of idea hoarder. Although it is only problematic when you stop there.

types of writers

2. The Slow Writer

They can only write for a short amount of time. Their energy and motivation drain out quick. They need regular breaks and treats to keep working.

3. The Caffeinator

A cup of joe must always be on their desk. At all times, no exceptions. It’s like their fuel. Without it, their mind draws blanks and the pen wouldn’t move.

7 types of writers

4. The Ninja Writer

The ideal kind. Rare but definitely not fictional. Haha.

They write every day. They meet deadlines. And they give it their best. Sometimes, to the point of exhausting themselves.

5. The Late Bloomer

I consider myself a late bloomer. Because I wasn’t a writer in school or in college. I found writing years after my graduation and ever since then, I’m a writer. I never looked back.

6. The Journaler/Hobby Writer

They keep a journal where they document their everyday life and occasional heartfelt poems. They are not regular or professional but totally passionate.

7. The Dreamer

The last kind. It’ll be okay if it’s just a phase. But it’s a problem when it becomes a personality. They dream to become writers, learn all the stuff they need to, but never execute their knowledge. This kind of writer will be able to make a great career out of writing if they can step forward.

types of writers

That’s all.

The 7 kinds of writers. Do you know any other kind?

Share it with us in the comments.


Like I said before, every writer will have all of these qualities at one point or the other. Every writer is a dreamer, caffeinator, diary-keeper, sometimes a slow writer, and so on. It’ll be fine it’s only a part of us but any one of these dominates the others, that will cause problems.




Thanks for reading

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