My Big Book Box arrived finally!
I’ve waited months for it. Due to Covid, the delay had been longer than I expected. But luckily, it came before all of my excitement dampened.
When I learnt about this subscription, I immediately knew I had to get it. But I, like many, have a lot of questions about it:
How’s the book selection going to be?
What if I don’t like the choices?
And the big question — Is it worth the wait and the money?
The Big Book Box Review
I ordered the basic one of all that they have to offer, and this is what I got. Honestly, can a day get any better than starting with such a big surprise box?
The Big Book Box is a book subscription box for Indian book lovers. It is not bad at all. It has different subscription plans, from monthly to quarterly. The exciting part is they have a dedicated theme every month.
I ordered ‘the Frappe box’ — 1099 INR — in December last year (2020). And I received it in June this year, that too after I raised a complaint ticket on their website. If I hadn’t, would it have been longer? Probably it’s just ’cause of Covid but it had been a bit of a put-off.
Anyway, I received two books in the TBB box.
One is Little Women (hardcover) and the other is As You Like It (paperback). The Little Women is the prettiest of all the books I own currently with beautiful pictures inside. I always go for the paperback to be budget-friendly, but this is just so beautiful.
And then, apart from the books, I also received a lovely Ipad pouch with the line ‘completely & perfectly & incandescently happy,’ which felt so… me. Considering the fool I am for romcoms and happy endings, I completely fell for it.
Then the box also had a few goodies — a scented candle, a lapel pin, a pocket notepad, a bookstagram enamel pin, a few bookmarks, and personalized cards.
Final Thought:
Frankly, I like it — actually, love it. If it had not been for the delay, it all would have been a fantastic experience.
All in all, it’s a beautiful package that made my day, and I even had a momentary impulse to order a different box. But after the excitement wore off, I can’t help seeing a downside to this. You don’t know what’s in the box so the probability of you not liking their pick of books is high.
In my case, they sent little women and the book is so pretty. But if it were me, it wouldn’t have been my first choice (or if it would even be a choice). Moreover, I already watched the film, so I may not read it. Even the second book “As You Like It” is not my cup of tea.
Edit: I read Little Women later and enjoyed the book (movie, not so much). Perhaps, this is why people say you should never pick a movie over a book. But as you like it is still catching dust on my bookshelf. You may like some books while you may not like others. Maybe, that uncertain part is what makes this all exciting.
So, it is not a bad idea to pick up a book different from your usual style once in a while. It may surprise you. Ergo, for the most part, I feel every book lover should give TBB box a try. It’s a great feeling to read books picked by someone else (someone unknown).
What do I suggest then?
Go for individual boxes at first rather than directly picking a quarterly or half-yearly subscription — at least until you are sure to go for a bigger plan. That way you can have a bit of control over this matter without wasting too much money.
Nevertheless, you gotta try the big book box at least once because “YOLO” (duh). Don’t overthink. Try and experience it.
Who doesn’t love a good surprise?
I’ll see you soon again. Until then, have a ‘completely & perfectly & incandescently happy weekend’.
Lots of LOVE,