Lifestyle, Uncategorized

E-Waste Management: A Much-Needed Solution

Oh, old computers, gadgets, and other electronic devices. Disposing of them all carelessly without even thinking of its environmental repercussions remains a scathing problem for us. Yes, dumping of this E-waste into the environment causes the release of toxic materials out in the open. According to the united nation’s initiative known as STEP (solving the… Read More E-Waste Management: A Much-Needed Solution

Beauty, Uncategorized

Ever heard of depotting Makeup?Here’s all you need to know

Ever worried sick about how to carry all your makeup, not to mention all the 30 shades of lipsticks you have, while traveling? YES!! What have you done then? Probably, you might have added an extra luggage or removed the things (which you think are also much needed) you have already stuffed in. You don’t… Read More Ever heard of depotting Makeup?Here’s all you need to know

Beauty, Uncategorized

The kind of makeup that looks BEST on every girl (I bet you)

How many times did this happen to you? We try and put on a makeup look thinking we would look great but Nah, god has some other plans. LOL! Don’t feel bad, that happens with everyone. But you know what, there is this one makeup look that will go wonderfully for everyone, no matter what… Read More The kind of makeup that looks BEST on every girl (I bet you)

Lifestyle, Uncategorized

Weekend getaway:A day at Sea breeze beach resorts chirala

Hello, lovelies! Hope you all had a fantastic weekend. As for me, I had a blast this weekend. Recently, we all went on a family vacation to a place (Sea breeze beach resorts) somewhere near to our place (Vijayawada, India) and had the most amazing time there that I couldn’t resist sharing it here. Tho… Read More Weekend getaway:A day at Sea breeze beach resorts chirala

Motivation, Uncategorized

Quit now: 7 things we shouldn’t be doing (for a better world)

*Change* Attuning to any sort of change is very tough. We couldn’t even resist a change of the place we sleep let alone trying for major life changes. But considering the bigger picture, that struggle to change is totally worth it. We all want this planet to be happier and healthier but we’re not taking… Read More Quit now: 7 things we shouldn’t be doing (for a better world)