Blogging, Uncategorized

9 random blogger thoughts you’ll know only if you read minds

The train of thought always runs in a blogger’s mind (in fact, everyone’s). No matter how much a blogger expresses themselves in the blog, there are always some hidden thoughts running in their head (we don’t pause) which one can understand only if they have the super-power to read minds. *Wink* In case you can’t,… Read More 9 random blogger thoughts you’ll know only if you read minds


World Happiness Index 2017: Why is India unhappy?

Are we missing something?? Are we not really happy?? What made us unhappy? These are the questions that popped up instantly after seeing the world happiness index which, by the way, is so depressing. Read on to know what world happiness index 2017 says. India ranks 122nd place in the world happiness index 2017 down from… Read More World Happiness Index 2017: Why is India unhappy?