
Instagram Q&A: How do I Always Stay Happy and Positive

Hola, people! The most asked question on my Instagram is that how do I always stay happy and positive. It’s one of the frequently DM’ed questions to me, so I thought I should speak about it. Along with that question, I’ve also made a post on Instagram asking my followers if they have any more questions for me and I received quite a lot of them but I’m going to answer some of them now. So, let’s start our Instagram Q&A…

The first question is, how do I always stay happy & positive?

This one was asked by a lot of my followers. A repeated question. Not just me, I saw people asking this question to many other influencers on social media. Before I answer this question, I just want to make it clear for you that no one is always happy and no one is always sad. Literally, no one. Life is meant to have both positive and negative things. Positive ones make us happy and negative things make us learn and appreciate positive things. So, both are important in life.

And one more very important thing, never assume that someone is having a better day or mood or for that matter, better life based on just what you see on social media. Only concentrate on yourself. Social media is a very deceptive platform where being perfect seems pretty normal. A standard which everyone tries to achieve. But that is not true at all. We all have our own imperfections that make us unique, and so does the person you are looking at on your screen.

Once you start believing that, the next thing you know would be you comparing yourself with others, which is not so good either. So, don’t believe everything you see on social media.

Coming to the question, keep knowing yourself better to be happy. Self-love is the solution for many issues that we struggle with. Keep knowing yourself more that you already have. Because there’s always something you don’t know of about yourself.  You might be surprised. Invest time in yourself. Spend some time with yourself often. When you start enjoying your own company, you’ll see a lot of changes in yourself. How you feel, how you respond to things etc. And, that will be the start of being happy and positive.

instagram Q&A

Next question, who’s your favorite blogger/YouTuber?

I’ve already talked about my favorite bloggers and Youtubers before. I like Prajakta Koli from Mostly sane and Kritika Khurana from That Boho Girl. I love how hardworking they are. I saw them when I started blogging and I was so inspired by them.

What’s your daily skincare routine?

It’s just the basic things. I scrub my face every day and later, I use a good moisturizer. Right now, I’m using Clarins day cream in the mornings and Clarins night cream at night times. And without fail, I cleanse my face twice every day with Biobloom natural cleansing milk. That will help keep my skin dirt-free and oil-free.

Along with the skin, I also take care of my lips every day. Because as you go along the day, your lips get chapped and dry so a good lip balm is needed. I use Maybelline baby lips or Biobloom lip balm. These two are my fave.

And sometimes, twice or thrice a week, I use Clarins face treatment oil. For now, Clarins is my favorite skincare brand.

That’s all. As simple as that. *wink*

Who do you like the most?

Obviously, my family. My mom, dad, and brother. I love them the most. And I also like myself a lot. *Grin* But if I have to choose even between them, I can’t. I can’t rank their love.

Who is your role model?

Again, my family itself is my motivation in life. My dad is extremely hardworking and so is my mom. They have taught me so much, not through their words by through their actions. By seeing how they do things and lead their lives, my brother and I learned so much.

The last one in our Instagram Q&A session is…

How do you motivate yourself to work even when you are mentally or physically exhausted?

First off, working when you are exhausted is not at all a good idea. Because productivity would be zero when you are tired. Instead, take a break, relax and get back to work again. That’ll boost your productivity at work. So, next time when you are tired, don’t pressure yourself to work but take a break.

This gets to the end of this Instagram Q&A session. More than reading, you might enjoy watching in a video. Yes? Here you go!

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and I’ll see you soon again. Comment down if you would like more of these Instagram Q&A sessions. Your order is my command!

Until then, keep sharing smiles!!

Lots of LOVE,


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    9 thoughts on “Instagram Q&A: How do I Always Stay Happy and Positive

    1. This is such a lovely post and a very important topic to discuss! Happiness comes from within and by surrounding your self with positive and like minded people. Thanks for sharing.

    2. Thanks for sharing your own experience and thoughts, I am always positive too and I do try my best to influence other. Keep it up! @ knycx.journeying

    3. About motivation to work, I have found that de-cluttering my mind and surprisingly, my room works best. Our mind works in mysterious ways and it connects every little thing around us to push us to do the things we’ve always been wanting to.

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