
Giving a New Meaning to my Old Clothes

Hola, mis amores! You remember I’ve made numerous posts on my blog and social media about repurposing your old clothes. I’ve always told what can be done to your old clothes but I never showed what I do. So I thought, this time, probably I should do that.

If you remember my earlier blog post about recycling old clothes, I’ve listed 8 ways to go about it. But out of all those 8, I figured there are two best and simle ways you can repurpose your old clothes.

Two days ago I cleaned my closet and put aside some of the clothes I no longer wear. I cherish some of those, some I’ve grown out of, and some are too good to be thrown in the garbage. Honestly speaking, looking at the pile of clothes itself turned my mind blank.

So what did I do?

Number one, sharing with the local community. 

Every place has a part of the community that needs help. So donate. You will be the one to make someone’s day. The last time I visited an NGO to donate a few things, I remember the look on the girls’ faces that made me appreciate what I have and helped me realize how sharing can double happiness.

During this pandemic I know we cannot go about anywhere and everywhere, so I asked the NGO if they can come to pick up the clothes and they are kind enough to do that.

They are my hometown based, Vijayawada (India). If you wish to donate anything, you can go through their website here: Vasavya Mahila Mandali.

Anyway, so I set the date and time that is comfortable for us. They came that day and collected all the clothes. So, all you have to do is do your research about the organizations that take donations in kind and contact them.

Number two, DIY.

With my old t-shirts, I made pillowcases. Remember this viral DIY video…

Yes, I tried the second one in that and it’s a success. I’ve been wanting to try it for so long and finally, I got the chance. It’s very easy to make. Most of the DIYs we see are just easy to watch, and very difficult to try it ourselves. Unlike such, this one is very doable.

What do you think?

Like it or not?

Let me know what do you do with your old clothes. I’ll see you soon again.



Lots of LOVE,


Thank you for your time

2 thoughts on “Giving a New Meaning to my Old Clothes

  1. hi yash here i watched your blogs, videos i really impressed actually i am also a dealer of raymonds showroom and ladies clothes

    if u want anything u can email

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