It’s a wholesome experience to read a good book while travelling. Reading a story in an unknown place, among unknown people offers a unique experience, which is why no true reader travels without a book.
One such good travel companion I encountered recently is People we meet on Vacation, written by Emily Henry. If you know me, you also know how I love light-hearted reads and this book categorically falls under the same. I’d give my rating straight away; it’s 4 out of 5.
If you ask me why I took one point off, I have no answer. But all in all, People we meet on Vacation is quite a splendid read.
The Story in a Nutshell:
It is a story about two best friends, Poppy Wright and Alex Nilsen. They may have nothing in common, but they get on well—better than well. Though they stay apart most of the year, they have planned a beautiful vacation together every summer for a decade.
But two years before, something happened and they haven’t talked ever since. Is this the end of a beautiful friendship? Poppy thinks not!
Poppy tells a lie to Alex and convinces him to take one more vacation together to Palm Springs. She wants to put everything back in place during this week-long getaway, and surprisingly, Alex agrees to go on this trip.
Now Poppy has one week to mend their relationship, but several things go wrong in the process. Does this vacation rekindles their relationship or zaps it to no avail?
In one word, it’s a super-fun read.
The storyline isn’t anything grand but very life-like. The two main characters, Poppy and Alex, are designed every bit as impressionable and lovable as expected.
In fact, no character in the story felt even mildly unrealistic. The story’s pace is perfect and I had a hard time putting down the book, so much so that I finished the entire book in a matter of 3 days. One thing I absolutely enjoyed about this book is the conversations between the characters. They didn’t seem forced or artificial at any point.
Every character is well-written and plays its part in the story; meaning no character feels unnecessary, which is a great quality in a story.
The narrative is also quite easy to read without any complex language or expressions, adding up to the overall readability.
So, to sum it all up, here are the merits:
- Perfect story pace
- Fun and well-written characters
- Great back-and-forth dialogue between the main characters
- Easy-to-follow narrative
- Feel-good climax
The demerits:
- A run-of-the-mill story; nothing we haven’t heard of before.
People we meet on Vacation is a great book, but if you expect something unique, you might be slightly disappointed. Still, I assure you will have a good time with this one.
I’d recommend this to people who are hopeless romantics and love to find beauty in ordinary stories. Reading interests vary from person to person, so if you find the blurb of this book interesting, go ahead and read it regardless of the review.
Like I say all the time, every book deserves a chance.
Tell us your opinion if you have already read this book. We’d love to hear from you! You can also share your favourite books, and we will share our review giving you a shoutout.